
Target Sight Tracking System

Overview   ___

The Target Sight System (TSS) is the multi-sensor electro-optical/infrared fire control system for the U.S. Marine Corps AH-1Z attack helicopter.

TSS’ advanced sensors provide pilots with enhanced capabilities to acquire, track and designate targets at maximum weapon range, significantly enhancing platform survivability
and lethality.

Features   ___

?????Large aperture mid-wave infrared (MWIR) with four fields-of-view for maximum image resolution and long-range performance

?????Highly stabilized and inertially isolated gimbal for precise line-of-sight pointing

?????Multi-mode multi-target tracker for precision weapon designation and target geo-location

?????Advanced image processing to enhance target?identification at extended ranges

?????High magnification, continuous zoom, color TV with field-of-view matched to the MWIR

?????Versatile modular architecture for future growth

TSS Image
TSS on Aircraft Carrier


Unmanned assets may look smart, but when running into a machine gun, they return to simply being drones.



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