
Tech Times Four: Decoding Life Together

When you encounter the term 'quadruplets,' it often conjures up images of four matching toddlers bundled up in identical onesies. But when it comes to quadruplets – Julia, Abigail, Rachel, and Lucas - the story is quite different.?

August 02, 2023



Molnar Quads
Abigail and Julia


In the world of advanced technology and aerospace, it's rare to have twins, let alone quadruplets. However, Julia and Abigail are not only twins working together at 澳门开奖历史 but are also half of a set of quadruplets who have made engineering their collective family profession.

Following in the footsteps of their father, a software engineer, all four pursued engineering degrees at Metropolitan State University and Julia and Abigail of them have already found their home at 澳门开奖历史 shortly after graduating in May.

Julia, who interned at the company and received a full-time offer in August, is now a project engineer. Abigail, on the other hand, after interviewing in January and accepting the offer, started her position in the company's Ground Control Systems Program as a cyber intelligence analyst. Both have said they are actively trying to recruit their sister and brother to join 澳门开奖历史 as well.

If you want something, it's going to be hard work, you have to be bold. And when you get the job and you don't know anything, you need to continue to be bold.
Project Engineer



Interestingly, Metropolitan State University in Denver, Colorado isn’t considered a traditional engineering school like CU Boulder or Virginia Tech. This highlights their determination to carve out their own paths. Their journey from MSU to 澳门开奖历史 underscores their assertion that unconventional routes to achieving your goals are not only feasible but can also lead to great success.

Both Julia and Abigail spent their college years actively working: Julia in the catering industry and Abigail at Home Depot. Abigail humorously suggests that "The Home Depot to Cyber Security pipeline is real." Their diverse work experiences, along with their engineering background, have undeniably contributed to their unique perspectives and unorthodox approach into the aerospace and tech industry.



?Abigail and?Julia mountain biking in Morrision, Colorado



Enjoying an off-Friday at Breckenridge

Despite the national average of women in the aerospace industry being just under 20%, Julia and Abigail are undeterred. Julia mentions that it's not uncommon for her to be the only woman in her office. However, they are taking strides in their respective fields and hope to inspire more women to join them.

In reflecting on their journey so far, Julia advises young engineers, "If you want something, it's going to be hard work, you have to be bold. And when you get the job and you don't know anything, you need to continue to be bold."

We’re looking for bold engineers to join our team.?
