ࡱ> 463 bjbjVV .<<  # ?????"$p?? ??:,`??$  0 R%.R%`%`<F % : 7 FEBRUARY 2011 ADDENDUM K C-130J-30 Korean Large Transport Area PRIME CONTRACT #KD03AA59A01 Modify the following clauses contained in CORPDOC 1, CORPDOC 1 SER, CORPDOC 1 INT, CORPDOC 1 T&M as follows: DEFINITIONS (d) SELLER or SUBCONTRACTOR means the party identified on the face of this Contract with whom LOCKHEED MARTIN is contracting. Modify the following clauses contained in CORPDOC 1: 1. CORPDOC 1 (2010) Clause 35 - Delete one (1) year in the third sentence and insert two (2) years. Modify the following clauses contained in CORPDOC 1 INT: 2. CORPDOC 1 INT (2010) Clause 38 Delete one (1) year in the third sentence and insert two (2) years. Modify the following clauses contained in CORPDOC 1 (SER): 3. CORPDOC 1 SER (2010) Clause 35 Delete one (1) year in the third sentence and insert two (2) years. Modify the following clauses contained in CORPDOC 1 (T&M): 4. CORPDOC 1 (T&M) (2010) Clause 38 Delete one (1) year in the third sentence and insert two (2) years. Maintenance of Secrecy - A. The Seller shall warrant that any data or information related to this Contract will be held and preserved as "Confidential Matters of the Republic of Korea" in strict compliance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Republic of Korea. B. Regardless of whether marked with "Confidential", the Seller shall not disclose any documents and communications in relation to this Contract to any third party without the prior written consent of the Buyer except as required by law or regulation. The Buyer shall not disclose any documents and communications in relation to this Contract to any third party outside the Government of the Republic of Korea without the prior consent of the Seller. The Parties obligations provided in this Article shall survive termination or completion of this Contract but shall not apply to information that: is or becomes available to the receiving Party without restriction from another source that does not violate any obligation to the disclosing Party and was generally available to the public at the time the receiving Party discloses the Proprietary Information; or was already known to the receiving Party, as can be proved by written documentation, prior to the time the disclosing Party discloses the Proprietary Information to the receiving Party; or becomes generally available to the public after disclosure by the disclosing Party, other than by a breach of this Agreement by the receiving Party; or is disclosed or produced in accordance with an order of a court or governmental agency of competent jurisdiction, provided that the disclosing Party is first given every available opportunity to challenge, appeal, or seek modification of such order. &'c   ? @ B V b c f  [   $ % & ' ( +   ! 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